The Full Story
Kendell Shows was raised by a single mother in San Francisco. She was unpopular, had a fear of public speaking and was basically a social outcast. When she was a teen, she learned her deceased father was the crown prince of Genovia, a small country in Europe. To keep the royal reigns from passing to another family due to a broken bloodline, her grandmother, the queen, reached out to Kendell in hopes that she would take her father's place as the crown princess. While Kendell contemplated her future, her grandmother insisted on turning her from a social misfit to a lady fit for the throne with the help of ‘princess lessons' that included a makeover fit for a movie montage. What Kendell ultimately discovered during that time was that blood was more important than bloodlines. If you think her life sounds like a coming-of-age comedy based on the 2001 hit film Princess Diaries starring Anne Hathaway, you’d be right. Kendell feared you’d stop reading her bio two sentences in so she decided to spice it up with a little drama. The boring truth is Kendell grew up in the tame suburbs of Birmingham and graduated from Auburn University with a degree in Mass Communication. She’s been in marketing in one capacity or the other for more than 20 years short of that regrettable brief stint in real estate in the late 2000s.
She enjoys writing, procrastinating, and community theatre. Her favorite thing in the world is to make others laugh. She opened her first comedy show in February 2023 and has since tried stand up a few more times. It was terrifying. She has two children, is married and lives in Dothan, AL.
Although she hates talking about herself in the third person, she feels it's necessary for this website if she wants to be taken seriously. She loves writing and recording voice-overs, which she admits is a weird
hobby. To hear voice-over samples, please check out her portfolio. And whereas she absolutely despises email, please contact her that way if you're interested in collaborating.
She's written her first children's picture book called Julia Peaches and the Stage Scaries. She hopes to have it published and eventually turn it into a stage play.